The Register of Derry Cathedral

Birth, Marriage, & Death Records
The Register of Derry Cathedral (St. Columb’s), Parish of Templemore, Londonderry 1642-1703
Rory, the sonne of Edmond O'Dougherty 9th [October 1642.] [Register of all the persons buried within the Church & Churchyard as well in the ould as new Church in the Citty of Londonderry…] p. 5
Mary, the wife of Dwaltagh O Dougherty of Ellagh, 14th. [Burialls in July 1654.] p. 108
Lettice, the daug: of Shane Dougherty, ye 16th. [Birthes and baptismes in March 1654.] p. 76
The Marriage of Henry Powell and Margarett Fox was solemnized* in presence of Ferdinando O'Dougherty, Donnogh O'Heggerty and others at London Dery, November the 15th 1654. [*Before John Hanfford, Mayor of London Derry.] p. 26
James, the son of Phelomy Dougherty of Birt, baptized the 16th. [Birthes and Baptismes in March 1655.] p. 81
Ellin, the daug: of William Dougherty, of Clendermott parish, baptized the 24th of April 1655. [Birthes and baptismes in Aprill 1655.] p. 77
William, the son of Call. McLaghlen, a trooper now in Sleygoe, and Nola O Dougherty liveing with Cormug O Dowill of New Buildings in the parish of Clendermott, Rory O Dowill and Edmond O Dowill of the place aforesaid being present at the baptizing thereof, May the 21th 1655. [Birth illegitimate in May 1655.] p. 78
The banes between William Padyne and Grany ny Dougherty, both of Birt in this parish, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 31 [around May 1655]
The Marriage of William Padyne and Grany ny Dougherty was solemnized* in presence of Theophilus Davis, Shane mcMonegle and others att Lo : Dery, June 12°" 1655. [*Before John Hanfford, Mayor of London Derry.] p. 31
Margarett, the daugh: of Neale O Dougherty, bor. June 22, bap. July 12th. [Birthes and baptismes in July 1655.] p. 78
John, the son of Charles Dougherty, baptized July the 27th. [Birthes and baptismes in July 1655.] p. 78
The Marriage of James Neeper and Katherine Skanlan was solemnized* in presence of Edmond Skanlan, parent, William Dogherty and others, att London Dery, August the 4th 1655. [*Before John Hanfford, Mayor] p. 32
The banes between Richard Berima and Ellinor Dogherty, both of this citty, published. † [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord’s days] p. 36 [no date, but around Nov 1655]
The Marriage of Richard Beryman and Ellinor Dogherty was solemnized,* John Westgate Alderman, Mr James Dogherty and others being present, att London-Dery, Nov. 27, 1655. [*Before John Hanfford, Mayor] p. 36
The Marriage of John Arnall and Margarett Holyday was solemnized* (Mr John West, Mr James Dogherty and others being present), att Lo: Dery, Febr. 20th 1656. [*Before John Hanfford, Esq.] p. 48
The Marriage of John Karis and Elizabeth Foster was solemnized* (Mr John Westgate, Mr James Dogherty and others being present), att London Dey this 26th of February 1656. [*Before John Hanfford, Esq.] p. 49
Owen, the son of William O Dogherty of this parish, ba. 8th. [Birthes and Baptismes in March 1656.] p. 86
Elizabeth, the daugh : of James Dogherty of Birt, baptiz : 12th. [Birthes and Baptismes in April 1656.] p. 81
John, the son of Neale Dogherty of this parish, baptized May the 1st. [Birthes and Babtismes in May 1656.] p. 82
Jane, the daughter of Turlagh Dogherty, baptized the 19th. [Birthes and Baptismes in August 1656.] p. 83
The banes between Turlagh Sheryne and Mary Doherty, both of this parish, published. † [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 55 [about Jan-Feb 1657]
The Marriage of Turlagh Shefine and Mary Doherty was solemnized* (Ralph Smyth, William Smyth and others being present), att Lo : Dery, Febr: 9th 1657. [By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 55
Margarett, the daughter of Turlagh Doherty, bap. ye 11th. [Birthes and Baptismes in March 1657.] p. 92
Mary, the daughter of Shane Doherty, bap. the 18th. [Birthes and Baptismes in March 1657.] p. 92
James Daugherty, cooke, buried the 7th. [Burialls in September 1657.] p. 115
Jane, the daughter of Owen Dogherty, 19th. [Burialls in September 1657.] p. 115
Margarett and Isabell, the daughters of James Doherty of Sheyogue, borne the 20th, bap. the 21th. [Birthes and Baptismes in September 1657.] p. 89
The Marriage of Robert Corrudders and Jennett mcGrierty was solemnized* (William Glasse, James Doherty and others being present), att Lo: Dery, Octo: 27th. [Before John Hanfford, Esquire.] p. 52 [it is omitted, but the year is 1657]
The banes between Adam Porter and Woona Doherty, both of Birt in this parish, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 53 [around Nov 1657]
The Marriage of Adam Porter and Woona Doherty was solemnized § (John Porter, Archiball mcCorkell and diverse others being present), att London Dery, Nov: 24th 1657. [§ Before John Elvin, Mayor of London Derry.] p. 53
The banes between Hugh Galloher and Meve Doherty, both of this parish, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 53 [about Dec 1657]
The Marriage of Hugh Galloher and Meve Doherty was solemnized* (Donnogh Galloher, Edmond Doherty and others being present), att London Dery, Decembr 24th. [* By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 53 [the year is 1657]
Donnell, the son of Neale Doherty, bap. the 27th. [1658.] p. 92 (no month specified)
Donnell, the son of Neale Doherty of this parish, bap. ye 15th. [Birthes and Baptismes in February 1658.] p 97
Donnell, the son of Neale Doherty, buried ye 19th. [Burialls in February 1658.] p. 119
Joan, the daughter of Shane Doherty, baptized ye 8th. [Births and Baptismes in March 1658.] p. 98
The banes between James Welsh and Ellin Doherty, both of this citty, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 65 [about Jan-Feb 1659]
The Marriage of James Welsh and Ellin Doherty was solemnized* (James Kirk, William Hallowed and others being present), att London Dery, Febr. the 9th 1659. [*By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 61
Robt, the son of Turlagh Doherty, bap. the 12th. [Birthes and Baptismes in April 1659.] p.99
The banes between Patricke Doherty and Katherine Nobs, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 55 [about Apr/May 1659]
The Marriage of Patricke Doherty and Katherine Nobs was solemnized* (Mr John Hanfford, James Doherty and others being present), att Lo: May the 5th 1659. [*By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 59
The Marriage of Patricke O'Halligan and Mary Donnell was solemnized* (Theophilus Davis, John Doherty and others being present), att Lo : Dery, May 19th 1659. [*By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 59
The Marriage of Laghlen mcKigan and Mary Galloher was solemnized* (Turlagh Deueny, John Doherty and others being present), att Lo : Dery, May the 19th 1659. [*By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 59-60
The banes between Hugh Loughery and Evellin Doherty, both of this parish, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 61 [about Jun/Jul 1659]
The Marriage of Hugh Loughery and Evelin Doherty was solemnized* (John Parke, Phellomy Doherty, and others being present), att London Dery, July the twelfth 1659. [*By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 61
Anna, the daughter of Turlagh Doherty, bap. xx. [20 October 1659] p. 100
Mary, the daugh: of Phellomy Doherty, bap. xxviii. [Birthes and Baptismes in November 1659.] p. 101
[blank] the son of Shane O Doherty, buryed ye 30th. [Burials in December 1660.] p. 123
Katherine, the daughter of John Poke, bap. 26th. George Platt, Kath. Doherty and Margarett Poke, gossips. [Baptismes in January 1661.] p. 146
Evelin, the daughter of James O Doherty, bap. 25. Henry McLaghlen, Joan McChonnell and More O Relly. [Baptismes in February 1661.] p. 146
John, the son of Manus Deveny, bap. the 13th. James Doherty, Teague O Kannan and Rose McChonnell, gossips. [Baptismes in March Anno doi 1661.] p. 146
Josia, the son of William Porter, bap. March ye 20th. Adam Porter, Knougher Doherty and Jennett Ewing, gossips. [Baptismes in March Anno doi 1661.] p. 146-7
James Doherty was buried February the 1th. [Burialls in February 1662.] p. 130
James, the son of Knougher McGiniley, bap. the 4th. James Doherty, Manus Bane and More Rely, gossips. [Baptismes in March 1662.] p. 152
Knougher Doherty and Eliz. Robertson, mar. pub. 8th. [Marriages] [month and day are not listed, but entered between several dated May 1662] p. 138
[blank] the daugh: of Shane O Doherty, bur. the same. [the 9th] [Burialls in May 1662.] p. 127
Meve, the daugh : of Owen O Doherty, buried the 7th. [Burials in June 1662.] p. 128
Meve, the daughter of Knougher O Doherty, bur. idem. [the 22nd] [Burials in July 1662.] p. 129
[blank] the [blank] of Ferdinando Doherty, bur. the 23th. [Burialls in August 1662.] p. 129
Allexander, the son of Rory McChonnell, bap. 14th. James McLaghlen, James Doherty and Mary McChonnell, gossips. [Baptismes in September 1662.] p. 149
Thomas, the son of Turlagh O Doherty, bap. idem. Robert and William Wilsons and Jennett Rosse, gossips. [More Baptismes in September 1662.] p. 149 [idem. = 23 Sep 1662]
Jane, the daughter of Phellomy O Doherty, bap. the 15th. Manus O Doherty, Meve ny Laghlen and Eliz. Ranckin, gossips. [Baptismes in October Anno dom 1662.] p. 150
Seely, the wife of Knougher Doherty, bur. 29 th. [Burials in October 1662.] p. 129
Elizabeth, the daughter of Thomas Grids, bap. 30th. Thomas Gwy, Eliz. Doherty, Eliz. Shaw, gossips. [Baptismes in October Anno dom 1662.] p. 150
Thomas, son of Thomas O Crane, souldr, bap. the 20th. Thomas Price, Brian O Doherty and Joan Fleming, gossips. [Baptismes in December Anno domi 1662.] p. 150
Thomas, the son of John Jones, bap. the 15th. Thomas Banckes, Thomas Cattelline and Mary Doherty, gossips. [Baptismes in February 1663.] p. 158
Nola, the wife of Knougher Doherty, buried ye 13th. [Burials in March 1663.] p. 133
James Doherty, paup, orphanus, buried ye 6th. [Burialls in July 1663.] p. 131
Michaell, the son of Knougher O Doherty, bap. the 2th. Michaell Samson, Richard and Sara Porters, gossips. [Baptismes in Octobr 1663.] p. 155
Brian O Doherty and Jane Ruddy, mar. publi. Dec. 15th. [does not give year, entry is mixed in with 1663 and 1664, not in order] p. 139
Wona, the daugh: of Ferduruch Doherty, bur. the 3th. [Burialls in January 1664.] p. 135
Susanna, the daughter of Edward Francis, bap. the 7th. Thomas Chadocke, Elinor Hamilton and Nola Doherty, gossips. [Baptismes in April 1664.] p. 159
Walter Brown, servt to Cornett James Doherty, was bur. the 5th [Burialls in August Anno doi 1664.] p. 134
Kathren O Dorothy, buried March the 6th 1666. [Burialls in March 1666.] p. 197
Sarah, the wife of Edmund O Dorotye, buried March 10th 1667. [Burialls in March 1667.] p. 199
Jennet, the daufter of Noher O Dorotye, baptizd Nou 27th 1667. [Christtenninges in Nouember 1667.] p. 167
Margrat, the daufter of Shawne O Doroty & Kathren his wife, buried 13th. [Burialls in August 1668.] p. 201
Alee, the daufter of Rimon O Dorotye [&] Margrat [his] wife, burid 6th. [Burialls in Julye 1669.] p. 205
Cornealius O Doghorty, buried the 14th. [Burials in March 1670.] p. 208
William, the sonne of Farell O Dogharty of Shannetalow, buried 5th. [Burials in Aprill 1672.] p.212
John, the son of Tarlo O Doohorty, Cornell Ceicill soulder, baptiz. 10th [Baptismes in May 1672.] p. 176
Marye, the daufter of Owen O Dogharty, baptized the 19th. [Baptismes in May 1672.] p. 176
Hugh, the sonne of Owen O Dogharty, buried the 30th. [Burialls in July 1672.] p. 213
Marye, the daufter of Tarloe O Doroty, baptized, Cornell Ceicill, 21th. [Baptismes in March 1673.] p.181 [“Cornell Ceicills” indicates he was a soldier in Ceicill’s company]
Thomas O Dogharty, Captaine Bridges soulder, buried the 22th. [Burials in May 1674.] p. 219
Marye, the daufter of Tarlo O Dogharty, Cornell Ceicills souldr, burid 28th. [Burialls in July 1674.] p. 220
Tarlo O Dogharty, poore man, buried the 16th. [Burialls in August 1674.] p. 220
[blank] the [blank] of Owen O Dorothie, baptized 12th. [Baptismes in Nouember 1674.] p.182
Anne, the daufter of Ferdeuoagh Dougherty, baptizd 27th. [Baptismes in May 1675.] p. 183
Owen, the son of Owen O Doagharty, baptized the 17th. [Baptismes in September 1676.] p. 186
James, the son of Bryan O Dogharty, baptized the 7th. [Baptismes in Jenuary 1677.] p. 189
Nathanill, the son of Tarlo O Doghartye, the boggside, baptzed 1th. [Baptismes in March 1677.] p. 190
Torlagh O Dogherty and Margrett O Ternan, both of this parish, maryed by Mr Forester, curat, 29th. [Mariages in January 1678. [Mariages in January 1678.] p. 234
Henrey, the son of Teage O Dogherty, baylife, and Elizabeth Riply the mother of him, bapt: the 11th. [Baptizemes in March 1678.] p. 235
Uney, the wife of Roger O Dogherty, soldier to Sr John Henmerd, buried 13th. [Buryalls in Nouember 1678.] p. 231
Nathaniell, the son of Torlagh O Dogherty, soldr, and Mary his wife, bull 7th. [Burialls in March 1679.] p. 245
Sheeley, the wife of Owen O Dogherty, buried the 23 th. [Burialls in March 1679.] p. 245
Mary, the daughter of Breane O Dogherty of Burt and Jeane his wife, bapt. 27th. [Baptismes in July 1679.] p. 239 [Brian]
James Cooper, seaman, and Meball O Dogherty, maried in the church of Derry by Mr Thomas Dopson, chaplin to Robert Lord Bishop, by Licence the 5th. [Mariages in September 1679.] p. 240 [misspelling of Mabel]
Charles O Doghert and Kathrin Keley, both of this parish, maried by Mr Alexander Forestr, 3th. [Mariages in October 1679.] p. 241
William, the son of Torlagh O Dogherty and Margrett his wif, bapt. the 7th. [Baptismes in Desember 1679.] p. 242
William, the son of Torlagh O Dogherty and Margrett his wife, buried the [illegible]. [Burialls in Desember 1679.] p. 243
John MccMasters and Joane Doghery, maried the 17th. [Mariages in January 1681.] p. 254
Helinor, the daughter of John Dogherty and Kathrin his wife, buried 24th. [Burialls in March 1681.] p. 256
Elizabeth, the daughter of Deniell O Dogherty and Noley O Quigly, her mother, bapt. 27th. [Baptismes in May 1681.] p. 249
Mary, the daughter of Charles O Dogherty and Katherine his wife, bapt. 9th. [Baptisms in February 1682.] p. 265
Deniell, the son of Bryan O Dogherty and Fenuell his wife, baptized the 6th. [Baptismes in May 1682.] p. 257
Thomas, the son of Torlagh O Dogherty and Mary his wife, buried the 5th. [Burialls in August 1682.] p. 260
Owin, the son of Torlagh O Dogherty and Margret his wife, buried 25th. [Burialls in Nouembr 1682.] p. 263
Lettice, the daughter of Mr John Dogharty and Sarah his wife, baptized the 13 th. [Baptismes in August 1683.] p. 269
Jean, the daughter of Neal O Dogharty and Helenor his wife, baptized the 9th. [Baptismes in November 1683.] p. 271
John Dogharty and Jonet Mather, both of this parish, by publication, married by Mr Thomas Wallis, chancellour, the 8th. [Marriages in November 1683.] p. 272
Ann, the daughter of Turlogh O Dogharty and Mary his wife, baptized the 16th. [Baptismes in December 1683.] p. 273
James, the son of Hugh O Dogharty and Sheelie his wife baptized in Birt the 16th. [Baptismes in December 1683.] p. 273
John, the son of Mr John Dogherty, deceased, and Sarah his wife, baptized the 13th. [Baptismes in January 1684.] p. 285
Jean, the illegitimate daughter of Neale O Dogherty and Grace Spenser, baptized ye 29th. [Baptismes in January 1684.] p. 285
James O Dogharty and Jonet Porter both of this parish, married with publica°n by Mr William Kerr the 10th. [Marriages in May 1684.] p. 277
John, the son of Bryan O Dogharty and Helenor his wife, baptized the 22 th. [Baptismes in June 1684.] p. 278
Nowla, the daughter of Turlogh O Dogharty and Margaret his wife, buried the 10th. [Burialls in June 1684.] p. 279
Jonet, the daughter of John Dogharty and Jonet his wife, baptized the 31th. [Baptismes in August 1684.] p. 280
Donnoghie O Dogharty and Mary Daly both of this parish, married by publication by Mr Thomas Wallis, chancellour, the 4th. [Marriages in October 1684.] p. 282
James O Dogharty and Grizel Crawford both of this parish, married by publication by Alexander Forrester, curat, the 13th. [Marriages in November 1684.] p. 283
Mr John Dogherty, buried the 7th. [Burials in December 1684.] p. 284
James O Dogherty, buried the 22th. [Burials in July 1685.] p. 288
James O Dogherty and Ann Petterson both of this parish, maried by Licence by Mr Roger Foord, clarck, the 6th. [Mariages in August 1685.] p. 289
James O Dogherty, buried the 15th. [Burials in Febry 1686.] p. 302
Torlagh O Dogherty, buried the 17th. [Burials in Aprill 1686.] p. 295
Cornelius O Dogherty O Dogherty, buried the 18th. [Burials in Aprill 1686.] p. 295
Roger O Dogherty, buried the 29tb. [Burials in August 1686.] p. 298
Neale O Dogherty, buried the 4th. [Burials in Nouembr 1686.] p. 300
Jeane MccMaster allias Dogherty, buried the 7th. [Burials in Decembr 1686.] p. 300
Charles O Dogherty, soldr, buried the 8th. [Burialls in Aprill 1693.] p. 321
Margret, the daughter of Hugh O Dogherty and Katherin his wife, bapt. 28th. [Burialls in August 1693.] p. 323
Francis, the son of Bryon O Dauherty and Margrat his wife, bapft the 9th. [Baptismes in March 1694/3.] p. 325
Jeane, the dauhter of Bryon O Dauhter and Margrat his wif, baptt ye 14th. [Baptismes in October 1694.] p. 328
Mary, the dauhter of Ellenar Dauherty, buried the 11th. [Burials in Aprill 1695.] p. 331
Hugh, the son of Charels O Dauherty and Hanorow his wife, baptt the 2nd. [Baptismes in May 1695.] p.331
Mighall Dauherty & Elizabeth Allin maried by Licence by Mr John Lease the 9th. [Mariages in February 1696/7.] p. 340
Jeane, the daugtr of Bryon O Dauherty & Margrat his wife, burd ye 2nd. [Burials in May 1697.] p. 341
Cathrine O Dauherty, burd the 29th. [Burials in August 1697.] p.342
Philome, the son of Hughe O Dogharty, baptized 27th. 2d to paie. [Baptismes in Aprill 1678.] p. 190
Tarlagh O Dauherty, sergent, burd the 4th. [Burials in Septemr 1698.] p. 348
James, the son of Hugh Daugherty, solder, and Cathrin his wife, baptised the 19th. [Baptisims in Octor 1699.] p. 351
Margrat, the wife of Bryan O Daugherty, buried 23rd. [Burials in July 1701.] p.360
Ann, the wife of Bryan O Daugherty, bured ye 26th. [Burials in July 1702.] p. 364
James, the son of James O Daugherty & Reachall his mother, bapt the 28th. [Baptisims in December 1702.] p.365
James Solsbery and Kathrin Daugherty both of this parish, maried by Licence by Mr Edward Motly the 7th. [Mariages in June 1703.] p. 368
The banes of Rory O'Ruddan and Agnes mccDevitt, both of Birt within this parish, published.† [† Published before the Congregation at London Derry three several Lord's days.] p. 25 [about Jun 1654]
The Marriage of Rory O'Ruddan and Agnes mccDevitt was solemnised ‡ in presence of Bryan O'Ruddan and Thomas Ewing at London-Dery this twentyeth of June 1654. [‡ Before Owen Wynn, Esqr.] p. 25
The banes of Dunckan mcDeuett and Jennett mcChillchoell published the 4th, 11th and 18th of September 1659.
The Marriage of Dunckan mcDeuett and Jennett mcChillcoell was solemnized* (Theophilus Davis, Symon [obliterated] and others being present), Sep: the 21th 1659. [* By Mr. George Holland, Minister of London Derry.] p. 62
Jennett the daugh : of Allexander Vance, bap. ye xiiii. Godfather, Thomas Thomas, godmothers Jane MeDevett, Katherine Magee. [Baptismes in April 1661.] p. 144
Jeane, the daughter of Cournelus MccDevit and Mary his wife, buried the 21th. [Burials in February 1699.] p. 353