Down Survey of Ireland

Census & Substitutes
To learn more about the Down Survey of Ireland read The History of the Survey of Ireland, commonly called The Down Survey, by Doctor William Petty, A.D. 1655-6.
The Down Survey of Ireland says the following about "Enishowen":
The Barony of Enishowen In the Countie of Dunaghgall Is a promontorie haveinge on the East the Logh Foyle, on the West with Logh Swilly, on the North with immense Northerne Ocean, and on the South it only joynes to the maine lande of the Liberties of Londonderry and Barony of Rafoe. The quallity of the soyle of the said baronie is arable and pastureable mountaines with some bogg. Theres noe forfeited landes, but Church Landes in this Baronie which lye in the following parishes vizt: Movill, Templemore, Deserteene, Clamany, Colduffe, Clancae, Donagh and Ffaunthen. In this Barony rise many rivoletts which fall into the sea ere they take leave of it. Theres divers castles standing on the unforfeited part of this Baronie such as stand neare unto the admeasured lines are those following vizt: White Castle, Red Castle, Greene Castle, Braghycarricke Castle & Buncha, Inchy and Bert Castles & Stone Houses and Towne. The improvements upon the Church Lands are in the prefixed parish descriptions mentioned. (Library of Trinity College, Dublin)
Townland of COPPANAGH (Clankee By) (from downsurvey.tcd.ie)
Down Survey Name: Cappanagh
1641 Owner(s): Fleming, Garrett (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dogherty, Charles (Protestant)
County: Cavan
Barony: Clonchy
Parish: Inniskeene
Unprofitable land: 111 plantation acres
Profitable land: 122 plantation acres
Forfeited: 122 plantation acres
Townland of LARAGH
Down Survey Name: Larragh
1641 Owner(s): Fleming, Garrett (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): Dogherty, Charles (Protestant)
County: Cavan
Barony: Clonchy
Parish: Inniskeene
Unprofitable land: 41 plantation acres
Profitable land: 78 plantation acres
Forfeited: 78 plantation acres
Richard Oge Dogherty (from downsurvey.tcd.ie)
Barony of Enishowen
Dogherty, Richard oge (1641): 1 townland
Dogherty, Richard oge (1670): 1 townland