Annals of Ulster

Manuscripts: Annals & Poetry
late 15th century
Portions of the Annals of Ulster pertaining to the Ó Dochartaigh Clann: Texts below are used for research purposes only and are courtesy of CELT (Corpus of Electronic Texts): The online resource for Irish history, literature and politics, a project made possible by the diligent work of the researchers at University College Cork in Ireland. Visit celt.ucc.ie to view and learn more about their work.
U974.2 Diarmait son of Dochartach, successor of Mo-Laise, died.
U1180.4 The son of Aindiles Ua Dochurtaigh was killed by the son of Maghnus Ua Cellaca[i]n.
U1180.7 Aindiles Ua Dochartaigh died in Daire of Colum-cille.
U1188.1 Ruaidhri Ua Cananna[i]n, king of Cenel-Conaill for a time and royal heir of Ireland, was killed by Flaithbertach Ua Maeldoraidh through treachery, at the Bridge of Slicech, after decoying him out from the centre of Druim-cliabh. And a brother of his was killed along with him and a party of his people. Ua Gairb (namely, Maghnus), chief of Fir-Droma, who laid [violent] hands on Ua Cananna[i]n, was killed by the people of Echmarcach Ua Dochartaigh in revenge of Ua Cananna[i]n.
U1197.2 Mac Gilla-Eidich of the Ciannachta robbed the great altar of the great church of Daire of Columcille and took the four [five] best goblets that were in Ireland therefrom, including ‘the gray son’ and ‘the son of light’ and the goblet of Ua Maeldoraidh and ‘the twisted goblet’ and the goblet of Ua Dochartaich. Moreover, he broke off and took away from them their jewels and their setting. But, on the third day after their being stolen, the treasures and he who stole them were found out. And he was hanged (namely, at the Cross of the Executions) in reparation to Colum-cille, whose altar was profaned there.
U1197.4 Flaithbertach Ua Maeldoraidh, that is, king of [Cenell-Cona[i]ll and [Cenell-Eoga[i]n and Airgialla, defender of Temhair and royal heir of all Ireland: namely, Conall for championship, Cu-Culainn for prowess, Guaire for generosity, Mac Lughach for athletics, died after choice tribulation in Inis-Saimer, on the 4th of the Nones [2nd] of February, in the thirtieth year of his lordship and in the ninth and fiftieth year of his age. And he was buried honourably in Druim-tuamha. And Echmarcach Ua Dochartaich takes the kingship of Cenel-Conaill immediately. And he was but a fortnight in the kingship, when John De-Courcy came with a large [p.229] force under him past Tuaim into Tir-Eogain. From here to Ard-sratha; after that, around to Daire of Colum-cille, so that they were five nights therein. They go then to Cnoc-Nascain, to be carried across it [Lough Swilly]. But the Cenel-Conaill, under Echmarcach Ua Dochartaigh, come to attack them and gave them battle, where two hundred of them [the Irish] were killed, around their king, that is, Echmarcach and around Donnchadh Ua Taircert, namely, royal chief of Clann-Sneidhghile, to wit, the link of generosity and valour and counsel of all Cenel-Conaill and around Gilla-Brighti Ua Dochartaigh and around Mac Dubha[i]n and Mac Ferghail and the sons of Ua Baighill and other nobles. And they [the English]harried Inis-Eogain and carried great cattle-spoil therefrom.
U1203.2 Domnall Carrach Ua Dochartaigh, king of Tir-Conaill was killed by Muinnter-Baighill [the people Boyle] after pillaging many churches and territories.
U1209.1 A foray-hosting by Aedh Ua Neill into Inis-Eogain and Ua Domnaill overtook him, so that they gave battle, wherein were killed a countless number of persons on each side. Here was killed Domnall Mac Murchadha of the Cenel-Eogain; also Ferghal Ua Baighill and Cathbarr Ua Domnaill and Cormac Ua Domnaill and David Ua Dochurtaigh, with a multitude of the nobles of Cenel-Conaill along with them.
U1252.6 Conchobur Ua Dochartaigh, chief of Ard-midhair for a time, died.
U1288.6 Aindiles O'Dochartaigh, chief of Ard-Midhair, rested in Christ.
U1336.1 A great host was led by Aedh Ua Neill the Stout to Tir-Conaill, whereby were killed the son of John Ua Neill and Geoffrey Ua Domnaill by the people of Ua Dochartaigh.
U1339.8 Domnall Ua Dochartaigh, arch-chief of Ard-Midhair—and it is not this alone, for there was little wanting from his having the lordship of Inis-Eogain and the lordship of the Cantred of Tir-hEnna and there was scarcely in Ireland a chief that had more people and a larger horse-host and better spirit and valour, hospitality and bestowal than he—and he died in the centre of his own house and John Ua Dochartaigh took his place.
U1340.11 Aengus Ua Domnaill was made king by Ua Dochartaigh and by Domnall Ua Baighill the Black and by the power of Aedh Ua Neill the Stout and Niall Ua Domnaill was deposed by them. A short time after that, they gave battle to one another and there were killed by Aengus and by the Clann-Muircertaigh. Aindiles O'Baighill, chief of Tir-hAinmirech and his son and Eogan, son of Art Ua Domnaill and many other persons between them, side for side.
U1356.4 A great defeat (the defeat of Ath-seanaigh) was inflicted by Cathal junior, son of Cathal Ua Concobhuir, near Ath-senaigh on the Conailli: (namely, on John, son of Concobar Ua Domnaill and) John Ua Dochartaigh, chief of Ard-Midhair and Eogan the Connacian and Toirdelbach Mac Suibhne were taken prisoners by the son of Ua Concobuir. Matthew Mag Samradhain, who was to be chief of Tellach-Eachach, was mortally injured that day and died at his own house. The kingship of Tir-Connaill was taken by the son of Ua Concobuir.
U1369.3 Domnall Ua Dochartaigh junior, the son of a chief that was almost the best in Ireland; general patron, that bestowed most of horses and chattel to the learned folk of Ireland and the greatest loss which the erudite received at the end of the world, died, after gaining victory from world and from demon.
U1380.7 Defeat was inflicted by Ua Domnaill and by Henry Ua Neill on Ua Dochartaigh and on Conchobur Ua Domnaill junior and on the Clann-Suibne. And there were taken prisoners therein, in addition to what was slain, John Mac Suibne and Murchadh Mac Suibne, namely, two brothers of the Mac Suibne.
U1413.2 Conchobur Ua Dochartaigh, namely, chief of Ard-Midhair and lord of Inis-Eoghain, died this year.
U1454.1 Ua Domnaill, namely, Rughraidhe, son of Nechtain Ua Domnaill, was killed by Domnall, son of Niall Ua Domnaill (the Rough). And it was thus he was killed: to wit, Ua Dochartaigh captured Domnall in treachery and put him, into the castle of Inis. The people of Ua Dochartaigh, that is, the party guarding Domnall, proved false to Ua Dochartaigh: namely, made himself prisoner, and liberated Domnall. When Ua Domnaill, that is, Rughraidhe, learned that Domnall was captured by Ua Dochartaigh, he mustered a host to him and went and surrounded the castle of Inis. And the other Ua Domnaill, namely, Domnall, was safe therein and Ua Dochartaigh in custody therein with his own people and with Domnall. Rughraidhe and Mac Uibilin were attacking the castle against Domnall. Now, Domnall went on the top of the castle and cast a stone forth therefrom (on the Nones 7th of April) on Ua Domnaill (namely, Rughraidhe) and killed him with that cast. And he came forth himself afterwards with victory of overthrow and pursued the besieging host and wrested great spoil from them. And himself took Tir-Conaill in its entirety from that out and so on.
U1496.19 Ua Dochartaigh, namely, Brian, son of Domnall Ua Dochartaigh, died and John Ua Dochartaigh was made Ua Dochartaigh by Ua Domnaill, namely, by Aedh the Red.
U1497.5 Eignechan, son of Nechtain, son of Toirdelbach Ua Domnaill of the Wine, was slain this year in the stronghold of Ua Domnaill himself, namely, of Aedh the Red, son of Niall the Rough, son of Toirdelbach of the Wine, by Conn, son of Ua Domnaill, namely, son of Aedh the Red and by Gerald, son of Domnall, son of Feidhlimidh Ua Dochartaigh and by Brian, son of Mag Flannchaidh and by the sons of Donchadh, son of Aedh Mag Uidhir, namely, Cathal and Rughraidhe and by the sons of Eogan, son of Aedh Mag Uidhir, namely, Edmond and Cathal and by John, son of Maghnus, son of Aenghus Ua Gallchobair. And 8, or 9, of the worthies of the Conallians were slain there with him, including the son of Toirdelbach Ua Domnaill the Foreign (namely, Eogan) and the son of Aedh, son of Toirdelbach the Foreign and Eogan, son of Aedh, son of Donchadh Ua Domnaill of the Wood and Feidhlimidh, son of the black Gillie Ua Gallchobair and Donchadh Ua Firghil the Stammerer. And a week before the feast or Patrick all that was done.
U1497.20 Ua Domnaill, namely, Conn, went with a large host against Mac Diarmata of Magh-Luirg, namely, Tadhg, son of Ruaidhri Mac Diarmata. Great defeat was inflicted on Ua Domnaill then and many hostages were exacted from the host and from Ua Domnaill, including the two Mac Suibnes, namely, Mac Suibne of Fanat (that is, Ruaidhri) and Mac Suibne of Tir-Bagaine, namely, Eogan and inclusive of Donchadh, son of Ua Domnaill, who is called Donchadh of the Thumbs, and the two sons of Tuathal Ua Gallchobair, namely, Eogan and Toirdelbach and two sons of Domnall Mac Suibne of Fanat, namely, Eogan and Domnall junior and two sons of the Mac Suibne of Tir-Bagaine, namely, Niall and Eogan the Red and Gerald, son of Domnall, son of Feidlimidh Ua Dochartaigh and the physician of Ua Domnaill, namely, the son of Eogan Ultach. And many other persons were some taken and some slain there. The 9th of the Kalends of October Sep. 23 that defeat was given. And the Cathach of Colum-cille was wrested from them then and its steward was slain in that defeat. And many more of the Conallians were some taken and some slain there.
U1511.3 A hosting by O'Neill, namely, Art, son of Aodh, into Tir Conaill, whereon he burned the Glen of the river Finn and Tir-Enna and the Lacan. And he goes after that to Inis and very severe illness seizes him and he returns to his country and brings the hostages of O'Dochartaigh with him.
U1511.6 O'Dochartaigh, namely, John, son of Domnall, son of Concabur, died this year and Concabur Carrach was made O'Dochartaigh.
U1516.8 O'Dochartaigh, namely, lord of Inis-Eogain, namely, Cu-Connacht Carrach, son of Brian O'Dochartaigh, died.
U1522.3 Another war arose against O'Domnaill this year in the province of Connacht, arising from the design and procedings of O'Neill: to wit, the two Mac Williams and Mac Diarmata and every force they found united with each other against O'Domnaill and a very large host was mustered by them around Mac William of Clann-Ricaird, namely, Ricard, son of Ulick, son of Ulick. And O'Cerbaill, namely, Maelruanaigh and the nobles of his district and Mac William de Burgh and Mac Diarmat and O'Concobuir the Brown and Mac Feorais and Mac Maurice and O'Cellaigh and the sons of O'Briain, namely, Donchadh and Tadhg, and the junior bishop O'Briain and part of Sil-Cennetich went on that hosting. And on their coming together, they went without hindrance to Sligech, the vigil {lit. fast} before the first feast of Mary. And O'Neill collected another large host about that time, to go to meet the Connacht host; for it was he himself that was drawing them on and they promised to meet each other about the first feast of Mary in the district of O'Domnaill. As to O'Domnaill and the Cenel-Conaill: they were mustering to meet each other about that time, for their party and their border friends abandoned them. And, when themselves came together, this is the counsel they adopted,—to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their territory and their land. And they marched in one compact body, that they might give attack by day or night to the host of O'Neill. And on that host of O'Neill rising out, they went into Cenel-Moen and took a fortified position at Loch-monann. And when the Conallians heard that, the result of their counsel was to attack them that night; for they left behind all their horses, in order that they should have less mind of flight or of turning back; And they considered, as the other host was more numerous than themselves, that the night would be of aid to them and that they would find them without a strict guard. And not thus they were, for they got accurate tidings and were distrustful respecting them, on account of the greatness of their courage. Hence they went on guard: to wit, O'Neill and his horse-host went on watch a space from the camp and they left a large portion of the best of their gallowglasses and Scots in battle-array on the ridge of the camp on the other side. And it seemed to themselves it was great luck for them to have their foes make for them whilst they were in that array. As to O'Domnaill and the Conallian nobles: as they marched they marshalled themselves and went into battle- array, namely, O'Domnaill and Maghnus O'Domnaill, his son, royal heir of the territory and the others of his sons that were serviceable and the three Mac Suibnes and O'Baighill and the Muintir-Dochartaigh [people of Dochartaigh] and a few of Lower Connacht. And when they came near to the camp of O'Neill, those two hosts gave two huge shouts at one another, so that the Conallian host went out of the array and were themselves and the host of O'Neill mingled with each other and a long while co-slaying each other, as they had a mind to. But for one thing however, the Conallian host gained possession of the camp of O'Neill and broke through what was opposed to them there and the camp with many suits of armour remained with them. And they spent what was before them of the night in slaying and in routing their foes. And when O'Neill heard that the site of the camp was in the hands of his enemies, he departed with the battalion in which he was and the part of his people that remained with him. And the want of their horses did not allow the Conallian host to pursue the horse-host, as they had a mind to. And on the coming of the light of day to them, it was very manifest what was slain on the site of the camp in the conflict of that night, along with heaps of slain of the Clann-Domnaill and of the Clann-Sitigh and of Scots and of the Oirgialla and of the Men of Meath. So that Tir-Conaill was the better during the space of that time for what came to them of horses and of arms and of armour and of apparel and of provision and of every thing it were fitting for a host to have. As to the Conallian host: they turned back to succour the castle of Sligech against that Connacht host that sat around it. And when the two Mac Williams and that large host that was responsive to them heard of the march of O'Domnaill to them, and he after inflicting confusion on that other host, they fled themselves from the town and went off in plight of rout, without their having been attacked. And O'Domnaill and his host went home safe, without notable damage being done to them.
U1524.10 Aodh Carrach, son of the Western O'Dochartaigh and a party of his people were slain by O'Cathain, namely, Godfrey.
U1526.9 O'Dochartaigh, namely, Echmarcach, lord of Inis-Eogain, died at end of his long age and great war arose between his sept about the leadership. And Gerald, son of Domnall, son of Feidlimidh O'Dochartaigh, was proclaimed lord.
U1538.8 Niall Blind-eye, son of Gerald O'Dochartaigh, was slain in treachery by the sons of Feidhlimidh, son of Concobar Carrach O'Domnaill.
U1540.14 O'Dochartaigh, namely, Gerald, son of Domnall, son of Feidhlimidh O'Dochartaigh, died this year and Feidhlimidh, son of Concobur Carrach, was made O'Dochartaigh.