Annals of the Four Masters

Manuscripts: Annals & Poetry
bet. 1632–1636
Portions of the Annals of the Four Masters pertaining to the Ó Dochartaigh Clann: Texts below are used for research purposes only and are courtesy of CELT (Corpus of Electronic Texts): The online resource for Irish history, literature and politics, a project made possible by the diligent work of the researchers at University College Cork in Ireland. Visit celt.ucc.ie to view and learn more about their work.
M972.3 and Diarmaid, son of Dochartach, Abbot of Daimhinis, died.
M1180.5 Aindileas O'Doherty died at Derry-Columbkille.
M1188.4 Rory O'Canannan, sometime Lord of Tirconnell, and heir presumptive to the crown of Ireland, was treacherously slain by Flaherty O'Muldory on the bridge of Sligo, the latter having first artfully prevailed on him to come forth from the middle of Drumcliff. The brother and some of the people of O'Canannan were also killed by him. Manus O'Garve, Chief of Fir-Droma (who had laid violent hands on O'Canannan), was afterwards slain by the people of Eachmarcach O'Doherty, in revenge of O'Canannan's death.
M1197.2 Mac Etigh, one of the Kienaghts, robbed the altar of the great church of Derry, and carried off the four best goblets in Ireland, viz. Mac Riabhach, Mac Solas, the goblet of O'Muldory, and the goblet of O'Doherty, called Cam-Corainn. These he broke, and took off their jewels and brilliant gems. On the third day after this robbery, these jewels and the thief were discovered. He was hanged by Flaherty O'Muldoryat Cros-na-riagh (i.e. the Cross of Executions), in revenge of Columbkille, whose altar he had profaned.
M1197.4 Eachmarcach O'Doherty (i.e. Gilla Sron-mael) immediately after assumed the chieftainship of Kinel-Connell. A fortnight afterwards John De Courcy, with a numerous army, crossed Toome into Tyrone, thence proceeded to Ardstraw, and afterwards marched round to Derry-Columbkille, where he and his troops remained five nights. They then set out for the hill of Cnoc-Nascain, to be conveyed across it; but the Kinel-Connell, under the conduct of Eachmarcach O'Doherty, came to oppose them, and a battle was fought between them, in which many fell on both sides. The Kinel-Conell were much slaughtered, for two hundred of them were slain, besides Eachmarcach himself and Donough O'Tairchirt, Chief of Clann-Snedhgile Clann-Snelly, the prop of the hospitality, valour, wisdom, and counsel of all the Kinel-Conell; and also Gilla-Brighde O'Doherty, Mag-Duane, Mag-Fergail, the sons of O'Boyle, and many other nobles. The English then plundered Inishowen, and carried off a great number of cows from thence, and then returned.
M1199.5 Donnell O'Doherty, Lord of Kinel-Enda and Ard-Mire, died.
M1202.5 Donnell Carragh O'Doherty, Royal Chieftain of Ardmire, was slain by the O'Boyles, after he had plundered many churches and territories.
M1208.2 A prey was taken by Hugh O'Neill in Inishowen. O'Donnell (Donnell More) overtook him with his forces; and a battle was fought between them, in which countless numbers were slaughtered on both sides. In this battle fell Donnell Mac Murrough, and a great number of the Kinel-Owen with him. In the heat of this conflict fell also Caffar O'Donnell, Farrell O'Boyle, Cormac O'Donnell, David O'Doherty, and other chiefs of the Kinel-Connell. The Kinel-Connell were at length routed by dint of fighting.
M1252.3 Conor O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire in the county of Donegal, tower of the hospitality and feats of arms of the north, died.
M1292.1 Aindiles O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire, a man of universal hospitality, and Donough, son of Owen O'Conor, died.
M1339.3 A great army was led by Hugh Reamhar O'Neill into Tirconnell ; and the son of John O'Neill and Godfrey O'Donnell were slain in the course of this expedition by the people of O'Doherty.
M1342.7 Donnell O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire, and of the cantred of Tir-Enda, a man full of hospitality and prowess, died, and John O'Doherty assumed his place.
M1343.12 Niall O'Donnell was driven from his principality by Aengus O'Donnell, Donnell Duv O'Boyle and O'Doherty, by the power of Hugh Reamhar O'Neill and the Mac Sweenys; and Aengus, the son of Conor, son of Hugh Oge, son of Donnell Oge O'Donnell, was installed in the lordship of Tirconnell.
M1359.2 A great victory was gained at Ballyshannon by Cathal Oge, the son of Cathal O'Conor, over John, the son of Conor O'Donnell, and the Kinel-Connell. John O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire, Owen Connaghtagh, and Turlough Mac Sweeny, were taken prisoners on this occasion by the son of O'Conor, and many persons were slain by him. Matthew Magauran, materies of a lord of Teallach Eachdhach was wounded on that day, and died of his wounds after his return to his own house. During the same war Cathal Bodhar, the son of Cathal O'Rourke, and Melaghlin O'Gormly, fell by each other's hand in the same war. This occurred when Cathal O'Conor marched with a second army into Tirconnell, and a party of his people arrived in O'Gormly's territory under the command of Cathal Bodhar O'Rourke.
M1374.2 Donnell Oge, son of John O'Doherty, died.
M1380.10 A great victory was gained by O'Donnell (Turlough) over Conor Oge, the son of John, son of Conor, son of Hugh, son of Donnell Oge, and over O'Doherty and the Mac Sweenys. Many of their chiefs were slain in the conflict; the two brothers of Mac Sweeny, John and Murrough, were taken prisoners; and they were deprived of considerable spoils, consisting of horses, arms, and armour.
M1392.8 A great army was led by O'Neill (Niall) and the sons of Henry O'Neill, with all the Ultonians, into Tirconnell, against O'Donnell (Turlough). Another army was led by Donnell, the son of Murtough, and his kinsmen, against O'Donnell also. The spoils of the territory were carried into the wilds and fastnesses of the country; and O'Donnell, with his forces, remained behind to protect his people. The Connacian army did not halt until they arrived at Ceann-Maghair; and they seized on the spoils of that neighbourhood. O'Donnell, with his forces, pursued and defeated them, and killed numbers of them, and, among others, Donough Mac Cabe. As to O'Neill and the sons of Henry O'Neill, and their army, they plundered O'Doherty's territory, as well churches as lay property, and marched on, without once halting, until they reached Fearsat-Mor, intending to give battle to O'Donnell. Here they remained for a long time face to face, but at length they made peace with each other.
M1396.13 Mary, the daughter of O'Kane, and wife of O'Doherty, died.
M1398.2 A great war broke out between O'Neill (Niall Oge) and O'Donnell (Turlough); and his own chieftains and tribe abandoned O'Donnell, so that he was reduced to great straits by the sons of Henry O'Neill, by the sons of John O'Donnell, by O'Doherty, and by the Clann-Sweeny. Niall Garv, the son of O'Donnell, and the sons of Donnell, son of Niall O'Donnell, went upon an excursion into Fanad, took John, the son of Mulmurry Mac Sweeny, prisoner, and committed a depredation. The English and Irish of the province of Ulster (O'Donnell only excepted) went into the house of O'Neill, and gave him hostages and other pledges of submission.
M1407.15 Owen O'Doherty, heir to the chieftainship of Ardmire, died.
M1413.2 Conor O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire, and Lord of Inishowen, a man full of generosity and general hospitality to the wretched and the poor, died.
M1429.2 Niall O'Doherty, Chieftain of Ardmire, died.
M1429.7 Hugh Direach, the son of Turlough-an-Fhina O'Donnell, and his son, were slain by Turlough, the son of Niall Garv O'Donnell, on the eighth of February; and Rury O'Doherty died within a quarter of a year afterwards, at Fathan-Mura-Othna.
M1438.5 Cahir O'Doherty died.
M1439.10 O'Doherty, Chief of Ardmire, i.e. John Balv, the son of Conor, died; and his brother Donnell assumed his place.
M1440.3 O'Doherty, Donnell, the son of Conor, Chief of Ardmire, died; and two O'Dohertys were nominated in his place, namely, Edmond, the son of Conor, and Hugh, the son of John.
M1440.14 Finola, the daughter of O'Doherty, and wife of O'Donnel, died.
M1440.16 O'Doherty's castle, i.e. the castle of Cuil-mic-an-treoin, was taken by O'Donnell.
M1454.1 Donnell, the son of Niall Garv O'Donnell, was installed in the lordship of Tirconnell, in opposition to the real O'Donnell (Rury, the son of Naghtan). And not long after this Donnell was treacherously taken prisoner in his own house by O'Doherty, who sent him to be imprisoned in the castle of Inis. As soon as Rury had received tidings of this, he mustered an army. O'Kane and Mac Quillin came without delay to his assistance, bringing all their forces with them; and they proceeded to demolish the castle in which Donnell was imprisoned, with a few persons about him to guard the place, among whom was Cathal O'Duvdirma. Rury and his army burned the gate and door of the castle, and set the stairs on fire; whereupon, Donnell, thinking that his life would be taken as soon as the army should reach the castle, entreated (it being his dying request) that he might be loosed from his fetters, as he deemed it treacherous to be killed while imprisoned and fettered. His request was granted, and he was loosed from his fetters; after which he ascended to the battlements of the castle, to view the motions of the invading army. And he saw Rury beneath, with eyes flashing opposition, and waiting until the fire should subside, that he might enter, and kill him. Donnell then, finding a large stone by his side, hurled it directly down upon Rury, so that it fell on the crest of his helmet, on the top of his head, and fractured it, so that he instantly died. The invading forces were afterwards defeated, and by this throw Donnell saved his own life, and acquired the lordship of Tirconnell.
M1472.4 Mac Sweeny Fanad, Mulmurry, was slain at the breach of Tapadan, as was also Donnell, the son of Felim O'Doherty, by the sons of Naghtan O'Donnell, and by O'Neill; and his son, Rory Mac Sweeny, assumed his place.
M1496.7 O'Doherty (Brian, the son of Donnell) died; and O'Donnell (Hugh Roe) nominated John O'Doherty as Lord in his place.
M1497.3 Egneghan, the son of Naghtan, who was son of Turlough-an-Fhiona O'Donnell, was slain in O'Donnell's (Hugh Roe) camp, by his own foster-son, Con, son of Hugh, Gerald, son of Donnell, son of Felim O'Doherty, and Brian Mac Clancy, &c. There were slain along with Egneghan Owen, the son of Turlough Gallda O'Donnell; the son of Hugh, son of Turlough Gallda; Owen, the son of Hugh, son of Donough-na-Coille O'Donnell; Felim, the son of Gilla-Duv; and Turlough, the son of Cathal, son of Gilla-Duv O'Gallagher; Donough Balv O'Firghil, and many others not enumerated.
M1497.7 An army was led by O'Donnell (Con) against Mac Dermot of Moylurg, i.e. Teige, the son of Rory Mac Dermot. Only a few of the Connacians joined his army on that occasion, namely, Felim, the son of Manus O'Conor, Lord of Carbury, and Owen O'Rourke, Tanist of Breifny, with their forces. A numerous body of forces was mustered by Mac Dermot, to oppose them at Seaghais the Curlieus, for the two O'Conors came with their tribes and chieftains to join his force and muster. A great part of O'Donnell's army made their way by force to the Bealach-Buidhe of Coirshliabh, under the conduct of Manus O'Conor, Owen O'Rourke, and Niall Garv O'Donnell, on which occasion Cathal O'Rourke and many others were slain in the pass of Bealach-Buidhe. The numerous host of the Sil-Murray rose up in the middle of the army, and defeated O'Donnell. Felim O'Conor, Lord of Carbury, was taken prisoner there, as were also the two Mac Sweenys, namely, Mac Sweeny Fanad, i.e. Rory, and Mac Sweeny Connaughtagh, i.e. Mac Sweeny Baghaineach, Owen; Donough-na-nordog, the son of O'Donnell; the two sons of Tuathal O'Gallagher; John and Turlough, the two sons of Donnel Mac Sweeny Fanad; John and Donnell Oge, the two sons of Mac Sweeny Baghaineach; Niall and Owen Roe; Gerald, the son of Donnell, son of Felim O'Doherty; and O'Donnell's physician, the son of Owen Ultach. The Cathach of Columbkille was also taken from them; and Magroarty, the keeper of it, was slain. Many others also were slain and taken prisoners in this battle. Owen O'Rourke escaped being killed or taken in this defeat.
M1511.11 O'Doherty (John, the son of Donnell, son of Conor) died; and Conor Carragh was called O'Doherty.
M1511.18 An army was led by O'Neill (Art, son of Hugh) into Tirconnell; and he burned Gleann-Finne and the country from the Swilly hitherwards, and also forced O'Doherty to give him hostages.
M1516.3 O'Doherty (Conor Carragh) died.
M1522.4 O'Donnell on the other hand assembled his own small, but truly faithful, forces in Kinel-Connell, namely, O'Boyle, O'Doherty, the three Mac Sweenys, and the O'Gallaghers, with his son Manus, at Port-na-dtri-namhad, a perilous pass, through which he supposed O'Neill would make his onslaught upon them. When O'Neill heard of this position of the enemy, the route he took was through Kinel-Owen; and he marched unperceived until he arrived at Termon-Daveog, and from thence to Ballyshannon. The son of Mac Sweeny of Tir-Boghaine (Brian of the Fleet), whom O'Donnell had left to guard the castle of Ballyshannon, defended the town against O'Neill as well as he was able; it was, however, at length taken by O'Neill, and the son of Mac Sweeny, with a great number of his people, was slain by him. There were also slain there two of O'Donnell's ollaves, namely, Dermot, the son of Teige Cam O'Clery, a learned historian and poet, a man who kept an open house of general hospipitality for the mighty and the indigent, and the son of Mac Ward (Hugh, the son of Hugh), with several others besides these. This was on the 11th day of June. Bundrowes and Beal-lice were also taken, and burned by O'Neill on this occasion. On his return from Bundrowes, a party of his forces slew Rory, son of Godfrey, who was son of Hugh Gallda O'Donnell, and the son of Mac Kelly of Breifny, near Sgairbh-innsi-an-fhraoich.
M1524.7 A great war broke out among the O'Kanes, in which Cumaighe. the son of Brian Finn O'Kane, was slain, and Ferdoragh, the son of Rory, of the Route. In this war was also slain Hugh Carragh, the son of O'Doherty, by Godfrey, the son of Godfrey O'Kane, together with a party of his people, they having gone to assist John, the son of Thomas O'Kane.
M1526.12 O'Doherty (Eachmarcach), Lord of Inishowen, died; and a great contention arose among his tribe concerning the lordship, and continued until Gerald, the son of Donnell, son of Felim O'Doherty, was at last styled Lord.
M1527.14 An army was mustered by O'Donnell (Hugh, the son of Hugh Roe), to march into Connaught. The following were those who joined his forces:— O'Boyle, O'Doherty, the three Mac Sweenys, Maguire (Cuconnaught), with the rising-out of Fermanagh, and also the chiefs of Lower Connaught, with their rising-out; and they marched on, without halting, until they reached Moylurg. They destroyed the whole country, both corn and buildings. They afterwards proceeded to Castlemore-Costello, for the purpose of taking it. This was an impregnable fortress, for it contained provisions, and every kind of engines, the best to be found at that time in Ireland for resisting enemies, such as cannon, and all sorts of weapons. These chieftains, nevertheless, proceeded to besiege the castle; and they placed their army in order all around it, so that they did not permit any person to pass from it or towards it, until they at last took it.
M1530.3 Catherine, the daughter of Mac Sweeny, and wife of O'Doherty, and Rose, the daughter of O'Kane, and wife of Felim O'Doherty, died.
M1530.13 Rury, the son of Owen, son of Hugh Balbh, son of John O'Doherty, died; a great loss in his own country.
M1531.4 The son of O'Doherty, i.e. Niall, the son of Owen Carragh, died.
M1537.13 The son of O'Doherty (Niall Caech, the son of Gerald, son of Donnell, son of Felim) was slain in a nocturnal assault by Rury, son of Felim O'Doherty, at Baile-na-gCananach, in the Termon of Derry.
M1540.9 O'Doherty, i.e. Gerald, the son of Donnell, son of Felim, a noble and hospitable man, died at an advanced age, after having vanquished the Devil and the world.
M1542.9 An army was led by O'Donnell (Manus), with his sons, i.e. Calvagh and Hugh, into Lower Connaught. These sons and O'Doherty went on before the army, on a plundering excursion, as far as Ballymote; and they plundered Mac Donough, and carried off the spoils to O'Donnell. The chiefs of Lower Connaught came to O'Donnell, and particularly Mac Donough of Ballymote, who came in pursuit of his property; and they all paid O'Donnell his rents on that occasion.
M1543.7 The son of O'Doherty (Cahir, the son of Gerald, son of Donnell, son of Felim) was slain by the sons of O'Doherty, Rory and John, the sons of Felim, son of Conor Caragh. They also slew Hugh Gruama O'Doherty. And O'Donnell marched with his forces against O'Doherty, to take revenge of him for these deaths, and proceeded to destroy the corn of the country, until he obtained hostages from O'Doherty, as pledges for his obedience, and for his own award for the violation of his jurisdiction.
M1543.8 Cahir, the son of Tuathal Balbh was afterwards taken prisoner by O'Doherty, and delivered up to O'Donnell ; and O'Donnell himself made a prisoner of Turlough, the son of Felim Fin O'Gallagher, and brought both these prisoners to Lifford, to see whether he could obtain the town; but he did not obtain it on that occasion.
M1556.9 O'Doherty (Felim, the son of Conor Carragh) died on the 6th of December.
M1582.29 O'Doherty (John, the son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh), Lord of Inishowen, died on the 26th of May. He was a person for whose ransom (if he could have been ransomed) many horses and herds would have been given. His son, John Oge, was elected in his place, in preference to Cahir O'Doherty; in consequence of which the country was ravaged, both crops, corn, dwellings, and cattle.
M1585.9 Thither came the chiefs of Kinel-Connell and Kinel-Owen, namely, O'Neill (Turlough Luineach, the son of Niall Conallagh, son of Art, son of Con, son of Henry, son of Owen), and Hugh, the son of Ferdoragh, son of Con Bacagh, son of Con, son of Henry, son of Owen, i.e. the young Baron O'Neill, who obtained the title of Earl of Tyrone at this Parliament; and O'Donnell (Hugh Roe, the son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv, son of Hugh Roe, son of Niall Garv, son of Turlough of the Wine); Maguire (Cuconnaught, the son of Cuconnaught, son of Brian, son of Philip, son of Thomas); O'Doherty (John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh); O'Boyle (Turlough, the son of Niall, son of Turlough Oge, son of Turlough More); and O'Gallagher (Owen, the son of Tuathal, son of John, son of Rory, son of Hugh).
M1585.25 All these nobles assembled in Dublin, and remained there for some time; bMut the business of the Parliament was not finished this year. They then departed for their respective homes.
M1586.4 A Scotch fleet landed in Inishowen, O'Doherty's country, in the north-eastern angle of Tirconnell. These were the gentlemen and chief constables of that fleet: Donnell Gorm and Alexander, the two sons of James, son of Alexander, son of John Cahanagh, son of Mac Donnell; and Gillespick, the son of Dowell, son of Donough Cam, son of Gillespick Mac Ailin Campbell; with many other gentlemen besides. Their name and fame were greater than their appearance. They pitched camps in that part of the country where they landed, where they had much flesh meat. The haughty robbers, the plunderers, the perpetrators of treacherous deeds, and the opponents of goodness, of the neighbouring territories, flocked to join them there; so that there was nothing of value in Inishowen, whether corn or cattle, which they did not carry off on this occasion. They afterwards passed along by the River Finn and the Mourne to Termon-Magrath, to the territory of Lurg, and to Miodhbholg, until they arrived at the borders of the Erne. When the Burkes, who were engaged in plundering and insurrection as before stated, namely, Richard Burke, the son of Deamhan-an-Chorrain, the sons of Edmond Burke, and the Clann-Donnell-Galloglagh, had heard the news of the arrival of these Scots, they expeditiously sent messengers, inviting them to their assistance, and stating that they would obtain many spoils and a territory worthy of them in the province of Connaught, should they themselves succeed in defending it against the people of the Sovereign. The Scots, upon receipt of these messages, proceeded across the Erne by the first march, until they arrived in the district lying between the Rivers Duff and Drowis; and they proceeded to plunder Dartry and Carbury, where they were met by Richard and the sons of Edmond Burke. The Governor proceeded to Sligo to oppose them, upon which the Scots departed from that district, and passed southwards through Dartry, and by the side of Beanna-bo in Breifny. They remained three nights in Dromahaire, from whence they proceeded to Braid-Shliabh; and they never halted until they arrived at Kilronan, where they stopped, in the vicinity of Breifny, Moylurg, and Tirerrill. The Governor went from the west to Ballinafad in Tirerrill; and both parties remained in those places without coming in contact with each other. The Scots at length began to move from that place in the beginning of a wet and very dark night; and they proceeded north-westwards through Tirerrill, with the intention of crossing the bridge of Cul-Maoile; but three companies of the Governor's people were guarding the bridge on that night. The Scots advanced to them, and a fierce conflict was fought between them. The Scots were obliged to abandon the bridge, and to cross the ford on the west side of it. After this they went on the same night as far as Sliabh-Gamh, and on the following day to Ardnarea. The Governor departed from Ballinafad on the following day, as though he had no intention of pursuing them ; and he went through Connaught for fifteen days, collecting forces as he could; and during that time he had people employed to spy and reconnoitre the Scots. When he had the requisite number ready, he marched from the monastery of Bannada in Leyny of Connaught, in the beginning of a very dark night in autumn, and stopped neither day nor night until he arrived at Ardnarea, about the noon of the day following, without giving any warning to the Scots. The way the Scots were on his arrival was, sleeping on their couches, without fear or guard, just as though that strange country into which they had come was their own without opposition. They were first aroused from their profound slumbers by the shrieks of their military attendants, whom the Governor's people were slaughtering throughout the town. The Scots then arose expertly, and placed themselves as well as they were able in order and battle-array, to engage the Governor's people. But this was of no avail to them, for they had scarcely discharged the first shower of darts before they were routed by the Governor's people, and driven towards the river which confronted them, namely, the loud-sounding, salmon-full Moy. On their way towards the river many were laid low; and when they arrived at the river they did not stop at its banks, but plunged without delay into its depths, for they chose rather to be drowned than be killed by the Governor's people. In short, near two thousand of them were slain on this occasion. The sons of Edmond Burke were not present at this onslaught, for on the day before that defeat they had gone forth with three hundred men, in quest of booty for the Scots; but, hearing the news of this disaster of the Scots, they kept aloof from them, and remained in the fastnesses of their own country. Such of the Scots and Ulstermen as were with them i.e. with the sons of Edmond Burke attempted to effect their passage into Ulster; but they were almost all hanged or slain in the several territories through which they passed, before they could cross the Erne. The father of the sons already mentioned, namely, Edmond, the son of Ulick, son of Edmond, son of Richard O'Cuairsci, was hanged by the Governor after this defeat. He was a withered, grey, old man, without strength or vigour, and they were obliged to carry him to the gallows upon a bier !
M1588.10. A great fleet, consisting of eight score ships, came from the King of Spain upon the sea in this year. Some say that their intention was to have taken harbour, and landed on the coasts of England, if they could get an opportunity. But this did not happen to them, for they were met on the sea by the Queen's fleet, which captured four ships; and the rest of the fleet were scattered and dispersed along the coasts of the neighbouring countries, namely, to the east of England, to the north-east of Scotland, and the north-west of Ireland. Great numbers of the Spaniards were drowned, and their ships were totally wrecked in those places. The smaller part of them (i.e. the remainder) returned to Spain; and some say that nine thousand of them were lost on this occasion.
M1588.14 A great army was mustered by the Lord Justice of Ireland, Sir William Fitzwilliam; Sir Richard Bingham, Governor of the province of Connaught; and Sir Thomas Norris, Governor of the two provinces of Munster; together with the most of the men of Ireland, the people of Ulster excepted, to march against O'Rourke and Mac Sweeny-na-dTuath, who had formed friendship and alliance with some of the Spanish fleet which we have before mentioned. These forces spoiled every thing to which they came in their course, not belonging to the Queen's people, from the Suck to the Drowes, and from the Drowes to the Finn; yet they were not able to overtake or apprehend O'Rourke or Mac Sweeny on this occasion. It was on this expedition that O'Doherty (John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh), and O'Gallagher ( Sir John, the son of Tuathal Balbh), were taken prisoners. The Lord Justice (then) went to Dublin, and the men of Ireland dispersed for their respective homes.
M1590.6 The son of O'Donnell, i.e. Donnell, the son of Hugh, son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv, son of Hugh Roe, son of Niall Garv, son of Turlough of the Wine attempted to depose his father, after he had grown weak and feeble from age, and after his other son had been imprisoned in Dublin; so that Donnell brought under his power and jurisdiction that part of Tirconnell from the mountain westwards, i.e. from Bearnas to the River Drowes; and also the people of Boylagh and Tir-Boghaine. It was a cause of great anguish and sickness of mind to Ineenduv, the daughter of James Mac Donnell, that Donnell should make such an attempt, lest he might attain the chieftainship of Tirconnell in preference to her son, Hugh Roe, who was confined in Dublin, and who she hoped would become chief, whatever time God might permit him to return from his captivity; and she, therefore, assembled all the Kinel-Connell who were obedient to her husband, namely, O'Doherty, with his forces; Mac Sweeny-na-dTuath (Owen Oge), with his forces; and Mac Sweeny Fanad, with his forces; with a great number of Scots along with them. After Donnell O'Donnell had received intelligence that this muster had been made to oppose him, he assembled his forces to meet them. These were they who rose up to assist him on this occasion: Mac Sweeny Banagh (Donough, the son of Mulmurry); a party of the Clann-Sweeny of Munster, under the conduct of the three sons of Owen, the son of Mulmurry, son of Donough, son of Turlough, and their forces; and O'Boyle (Teige Oge, the son of Teige, son of Turlough), with all his forces, assembled. The place where the son of O'Donnell happened to be stationed along with these chieftains was Doire-leathan at the extremity of Tir-Boghaine, to the west of Gleann Choluim Cille. The other party did not halt until they came to them to that place; and a battle ensued between them, which was fiercely fought on both sides. The Scots discharged a shower of arrows from their elastic bows, by which they pierced and wounded great numbers, and, among the rest, the son of O'Donnell himself, who, being unable to display prowess or defend himself, was slain at Doire-leathan, on one side of the harbour of Telinn, on the 14th of September. Seldom before that time had his enemies triumphed over him; and the party by whom he was slain had not been by any means his enemies until they encountered on this occasion; and although this Donnell was not the rightful heir of his father, it would have been no disgrace to Tirconnell to have elected him as its chief, had he been permitted to attain to that dignity. In this conflict were slain along with Donnell the three sons of Owen, son of Mulmurry, son of Donough above mentioned, together with two hundred others, around Donnell.
M1592.12 Hugh O'Donnell returned to Ballyshannon, and sent for physicians to cure his feet; but they were not able to effect a cure until they had cut off both his great toes; and he was not perfectly well till the end of a year afterwards. He remained thus confined under cure of his feet from the festival of St. Bridget to April. When the cold of the spring season was over, he thought it too long he had been confined as an invalid; and he sent persons to assemble and muster all those who were obedient to his father to the east side of the celebrated mountain, i.e. Barnesmore, in Tirhugh; and he collected also all those to the west of the same mountain, namely, O'Boyle, and Mac Sweeny of Tir-Boghaine. There came also to join him, his father, O'Donnell, i.e. Hugh, the son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv, with his wife, the daughter of James Mac Donnell, his Hugh Roe's mother. The place of meeting appointed by these chieftains was Kilmacrenan, where the O'Donnell was usually inaugurated Lord of the Kinel-Connell. He arrived with the same number at that place. To Hugh O'Donnell's levy on this occasion came also Mac Sweeny Fanad (Donnell, the son of Turlough, son of Rory), and Mac Sweeny-na-dTuath (Owen, Oge, the son of Owen Oge, son of Owen). There were many parties of the Kinel-Connell who did not come to this assembly. Of these was Hugh, the son of Hugh Duv, son of Hugh Roe O'Donnell; and the descendants of Calvagh, the son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv; O'Doherty; John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh, Chieftain of the Tricha-ched of Inishowen; and a party of the Clann-Sweeny, who had gone away from their own territory, and were dwelling at that time on the margin of Lough Foyle, and who had been leaders in battle to Calvagh O'Donnell, and his descendants after him. There was also a great number of the O'Gallaghers who did not come hither, through spite and malice, like the others.
M1592.15 As for the Earl O'Neill, when he perceived the enmity that his own tribe bore to O'Donnell (Hugh Roe), what he did was, to proceed to the Lord Justice, William Fitzwilliam, to obtain a protection for O'Donnell to come before him, and confer with him, at Tragh-Bhaile-mic-Buain Dundalk. This he obtained at once, and went to Donegal to O'Donnell, and took him to Tragh-Bhaile-mhic-Buain, where both appeared before the Lord Justice, who was gracious to them, and he forgave O'Donnell the escape. They confirmed friendship and amity with each other as strongly as possible, and, having bid the Lord Justice farewell, and left him their blessing, they all returned to their respective homes.
When that party of the Kinel-Connell who were in opposition to O'Donnell heard that he had made peace with the Lord Justice, they all came to him in peace and amity. The most distinguished of these who came there were Hugh, the son of Hugh Duv, son of Hugh Roe; Niall Garv, the son of Con, son of Calvagh, son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv, with his kinsmen; and O'Doherty, namely, John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh, after having been taken prisoner by him Hugh Roe.
M1598.36 In the autumn of this year O'Donnell (i.e. Hugh Roe) sent a body of forces from Tirconnell with Mac William (Theobald, the son of Walter Kittagh, son of John, son of Oliver) into Mac William's territory. He sent with him on this occasion O'Doherty (John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh) with a great force. They were scarcely noticed in any country by which they marched, or through which they passed, until they arrived in the Owles; and it was in these territories the greater part of the herds and flocks of cattle of all Mac William's country then were. They collected all the cattle that were on the main land outside the small islands; and though great was the gathering and collection of preys they made, they encountered no danger or difficulty on account of them, save only the trouble of removing and driving them off. And they returned safe to their territories, i.e. Mac William to Tirawly, and O'Doherty to Inishowen.
M1599.15 O'Donnell Hugh: i.e. Roe, the son of Hugh, son of Manus, had resided at Ballymote, in the county of Sligo, from the gaining of the battle of Ath-Buidhe, in the beginning of August, to the festival of St. Bridget in this year. He felt it long to have remained during this time without going into some enemy's territory, but he knew not to what particular place he should go; for he had not left a quarter, limit, wilderness, or recess, in the whole province of Connaught the inhabitants of which he had not plundered, or from which he had not taken pledges and hostages, save Thomond alone wherefore, at the time aforesaid, he ordered an army to be mustered in order to proceed into Thomond. First of all assembled the Kinel-Connel, among whom were Hugh Oge, the son of Hugh Duv, son of Hugh Roe, son of Niall Garv O'Donnell; and Niall Garv, the son of Con, son of Calvagh, son of Manus, son of Hugh Duv; O'Doherty (John Oge, the son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh); O'Boyle (Teige Oge, the son of Teige, son of Turlough, son of Niall); Mac Sweeny Fanad (Donnell, the son of Turlough, son of Mulmurry); and Mac Sweeny Banagh (Donough, the son of Mulmurry Meirgeach, son of Mulmurry, son of Niall): all these with their forces. Into the same rendezvous came Maguire (Hugh, the son of Cuconnaught, son of Cuconnaught, son of Cuconnaught, son of Brian, son of Philip, son of Thomas); the son of O'Rourke (Thomas, the son of Brian, son of Brian Ballagh, son of Owen); and the Mac William, whom O'Donnell himself had some time before nominated, namely, Theobald, son of Walter Kittagh, son of John, son of Oliver.
M1600.39 Donnell Spaineach, the son of Donough; son of Cahir Carragh Kavanagh, made peace with the Lord Justice in autumn. The sons of Fiagh, son of Hugh, son of John O'Byrne, likewise made peace with him. The English fleet, which had been ordered by the Queen and Council of England to be sent, by Patrick's Day, against the province of Ulster, at the time that Lord Mountjoy was appointed Lord Justice over Ireland, as we have said, was being prepared and equipped, without delay or neglect, with all the necessary engines, in England; for it was a great annoyance of mind to the Queen and the Councils there and here that the Kinel-Owen, the Kinel-Connell, and Ulstermen in general, and those who were in alliance with them, had made so long a defence and stand against them; and they also called to mind, and it preyed like a latent disease upon their hearts, all of their people that had been slain and destroyed, and of their wealth that they had expended, in carrying on the Irish war till then, so that they resolved to send this fleet to Ireland; and it arrived in the harbour of Dublin in the month of April of this year. From thence they set out in the very beginning of summer (by advice of the Earl of Clanrickard and of the Earl of Thomond); and they were ordered to put into the harbour of the Lake of Feabhal, son of Lodan. They then sailed, keeping their left to Ireland, until they put into the harbour of that place, as they had been directed. After landing, they erected on both sides of the harbour three forts, with trenches sunk in the earth, as they had been ordered in England. One of these forts, i.e. Dun-na-long, was erected on O'Neill's part of the country, in the neighbourhood of Oireacht-Ui-Chathain; and two in O'Donnell's country, one at Cuil-mor, in O'Doherty's country, in the cantred of Inishowen, and the other to the south-west of that, at Derry-Columbkille. The English immediately commenced sinking ditches around themselves, and raising a strong mound of earth and a large rampart, so that they were in a state to hold out against enemies. These were stronger and more secure than courts of lime and stone, or stone forts, in the erection of which much time and great labour might be spent. After this they tore down the monastery and cathedral, and destroyed all the ecclesiastical edifices in the town, and erected houses and apartments of them. Henry Docwra was the name of the general who was over them. He was an illustrious Knight, of wisdom and prudence, a pillar of battle and conflict. Their number was six thousand men. When these arrived at Derry they made little account of Culmore or Dun-na-long. The English were a long time prevented, by fear and dread, from going outside the fortifications, except to a short distance; and a great number of them were on the watch every night, that they might not be attacked unawares; so that they were seized with distemper and disease, on account of the narrowness of the place in which they were, and the heat of the summer season. Great numbers of them died of this sickness.
M1600.40 As for O'Donnell, when he perceived that they were not in the habit of going outside their encampments, through fear and dread, he made no account of them, and assembled his forces, to proceed into the south of Connaught, to plunder the countries that lay on both sides of Sliabh-Echtge, and especially Thomond. He had good reason for this, indeed, for it was these Earls, namely, the Earl of Clanrickard and the Earl of Thomond, who had requested the Lord Justice and the Council to send over this great army, to keep him in his own territory, away from them, for they deemed it too often that he had gone into their territories. Having adopted this resolution, he left O'Doherty, chieftain of Inishowen, i.e. John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim O'Doherty, to watch the foreigners, that they might not come to plunder his territory. He also left Niall Garv O'Donnell, and some of his army, encamped against them on the west side, between them and the cantred of Enda, son of Niall. He then mustered his forces, to proceed westwards across the River Erne. He took with him on this hosting, in the first place, all those who were under his jurisdiction in Ulster; and the Connacians, from the River Suck to the Drowes, and from the west of Tirawly to Breifny O'Reilly, were expecting and awaiting his arrival at Ballymote, whither they were gone at his summons. Among the Connaughtmen who awaited him there were O'Rourke (Brian Oge, the son of Brian, son of Brian Ballagh, son of Owen); O'Conor Sligo (Donough, the son of Cathal Oge, son of Teige, son of Cathal Oge), together with the people of the districts which lie from Coirrshliabh northwards to the sea; O'Conor Roe (Hugh, the son of Turlough Roe, son of Teige Boy, son of Cathal Roe), with all his muster; Mac Dermot of Moylurg, i.e. Conor, son of Teige, son of Owen, son of Teige, with his people; and Mac William Burke, i.e. Theobald, the son of Walter Kittagh, son of John, son of Oliver, with his muster.
M1600.66 Sir John Chamberlain, a colonel of the English of Derry, marched with a numerous force against O'Doherty, to plunder and prey him. O'Doherty, with a small party, met the English; and a fierce battle was fought between them, in which the English were defeated, and the colonel and others were slain by O'Doherty.
M1601.7 O'Doherty (John Oge, the son of John, son of Felim, son of Conor Carragh) died on the 27th of January. He was Lord of the triocha-ched of Inishowen; and there was not among all the Irish of his time a lord of a triocha-ched of better hand or hospitality, or of firmer counsel, than he. O'Donnell nominated Felim Oge, i.e. the brother of the deceased John, the O'Doherty; but the Clann-Ailin and the Clann-Devitt took Cahir, the son of John Oge, to the English, to Derry; and the General, Sir Henry Docwra, styled him O'Doherty, to spite O'Donnell.
M1607.2 Maguire (Cuconnaught) and Donough, the son of Mahon, son of the Bishop O'Brien, brought a ship with them to Ireland, and put in at the harbour of Swilly. They took with them from Ireland the Earl O'Neill (Hugh, the son of Ferdorcha), and the Earl O'Donnell (Rury, the son of Hugh, son of Manus), with a great number of the chieftains of the province of Ulster. These were they who went with O'Neill, namely, the Countess Catherina, the daughter of Magennis, and her three sons, Hugh the Baron, John, and Brian; Art Oge, the son of Cormac, son of the Baron; Ferdorcha, son of Con, son of O'Neill; Hugh Oge, the son of Brian, son of Art O'Neill; and many others of his faithful friends. These were they who went with the Earl O'Donnell: Caffar, his brother, and his sister, Nuala; Hugh, the Earl's son, wanting three weeks of being one year old; Rose, the daughter of O'Doherty, and wife of Caffar, with her son, Hugh, aged two years and three months; the son of his brother, Donnell Oge, the son of Donnell; Naghtan, the son of Calvagh, son of Donough Cairbreach O'Donnell; together with many others of his faithful friends. They entered the ship on the festival of the Holy Cross, in autumn.
M1608.1 Great dissensions and strife arose between the Governor of Derry, Sir George Pawlett, and O'Doherty (Cahir, the son of John Oge). The Governor not only offered him insult and abuse by word, but also inflicted chastisement on his body; so that he would rather have suffered death than live to brook such insult and dishonour, or defer or delay to take revenge for it; and he was filled with anger and fury, so that he nearly ran to distraction and madness. What he did was, to consult with his friends how he should take revenge for the insult which was inflicted upon him. What they first unanimously resolved, on the 3rd of May, was to invite to him Captain Hart, who was at Cuil-mor (a fort on the margin of Lough Foyle, below the Derry we have mentioned), and to take him prisoner. This was done, and he obtained the fort in his release. He repaired immediately at daybreak to Derry, and awoke the soldiers of that town with the sword. The Governor was slain by Owen, the son of Niall, son of Gerald O'Doherty, and Lieutenant Corbie by John, the son of Hugh, son of Hugh Duv O'Donnell. Many others were also slain besides these. Captain Henry Vaughan and the wife of the bishop of the town were taken prisoners. They afterwards plundered and burned the town, and carried away immense spoils from thence.
M1608.3 Niall Garv O'Donnell, with his brothers Hugh Boy and Donnell, and his son, Naghtan, were taken prisoners about the festival of St. John in this year, after being accused of having been in confederacy with O'Doherty. They were afterwards sent to Dublin, from whence Niall and Naghtan were sent to London, and committed to the Tower, Niall having been freed from death by the decision of the law; and they Niall and Naghtan remained confined in the Tower to the end of their lives. Hugh and Donnell were liberated from their captivity afterwards, i.e. in the year following.