Annals of Loch Cé

Manuscripts: Annals & Poetry
Portions of the Annals of Loch Cé pertaining to the Ó Dochartaigh Clann: Texts below are used for research purposes only and are courtesy of CELT (Corpus of Electronic Texts): The online resource for Irish history, literature and politics, a project made possible by the diligent work of the researchers at University College Cork in Ireland. Visit celt.ucc.ie to view and learn more about their work.
25] O'Gairbh, chieftain of Feara-Droma, it was that laid
26] hands on O'Canannáin; and he was himself slain by
27] the people of Echmarcach O'Dochartaigh, in revenge of
28] O'Canannáin.
19] The Gilla-sron-mhael O'Dochartaigh, and the Cenel-Conaill
20] likewise, turned against O'Maeldoraidh.
12] Gilla-Eidigh of Cianachta robbed the altar of the great
13] church of Doire-Choluim-Chille, and took therefrom the
14] four best goblets that were in Erinn, viz:—Mac-riabhach,
15] and Mac-solus, and the goblet of O'Maeldoraidh,
16] and the Cam-coruinn, i.e. the goblet of O'Dochartaigh; and
17] he broke them, and took off their precious things. These
18] articles were found on the third day after being stolen;
19] and the person who stole them was discovered, and he
20] was hanged at Cros-na-riagh in revenge of Colum-Cille,
21] whose altar had been profaned.
Flaithbhertach O'Maeldoraidh, king of Cenel-Conaill,
23] and Cenel-Eoghain, and Airghiall, the defender
24] of Temhair, and royal heir of all Erinn—viz.:—a Conall
25] in heroism, a Cuchullain in valour, and a Guaire in hospitality—
26] died after great suffering, in Inis-Saimer, on the
27] fourth of the nones of February, in the thirtieth year
28] of his reign, and the nine and fiftieth year of his age;
1] and he was honourably interred at Druim-thuama. And
2] Echmarcach O'Dochartaigh assumed the sovereignty of
3] Cenel-Conaill immediately after; and he was only a
4] fortnight in the sovereignty when John de Curci,
5] accompanied by a large army, went across Tuaim
6] into Tir-Eoghain, and from thence to Ard-sratha, and
7] afterwards round to Doire-Choluim-Chille, where they
8] remained five nights.
They went afterwards to
9] Cnoc-Nascain, to transport themselves across it.
10] Cenel-Conaill, however, with Echmarcach O'Dochartaigh,
11] came towards them, and gave them battle, when
12] two hundred of them the Cenel-Conail were slain,
13] together with their king, i.e. Echmarcach O'Dochartaigh,
14] and Donnchadh O'Tairchert, king-chieftain of
15] Clann-Sneidhghile, and Gillabrighde O'Dochartaigh, and
16] Mac Dubhán, and Mac Ferghail, and the sons of
17] O'Baighill, et aliis nobilibus; and they the Foreigners
18] plundered Inis-Eoghain, and carried off therefrom a great
19] cattle-spoil.
24] O'Dochartaigh, king of Cenel-Enna and Ard-Midhair, in
25] pace quievit.
Domhnall Carrach O'Dochartaigh, king-chieftain
5] of Ard-Midhair, was slain by Muinter-Buighill,
6] after plundering many churches and territories.
A great predatory
1] hosting by Aedh O'Neill into Inis-Eoghain, and O'Domhnaill,
2] i.e. Domhnall Mór, overtook them, when a battle
3] was fought between them, in which a countless multitude
4] of people were slain on either side; in which
5] fell Domhnall, son of Murchadh, with an enormous
6] slaughter of the Cenel-Eoghain along with him, and
7] Ferghal O'Baighill, and Cormac O'Domhnaill, and David
8] O'Dochartaigh, and a number of the chieftains of Cenel-Conaill
9] along with them.
Conchobhar O'Dochartaigh, king-chieftain
18] of Ard-Midhair, and the third king-chieftain of Erinn,
19] pillar of the hospitality and bravery of the North, died
20] this year.
Andiles O'Dochartaigh,
21] chieftain of Ard-Midhair, quievit.
A great hosting by Aedh Remhar
33] O'Neill to Tir-Conaill, on which occasion the son of John
1] O'Neill, and Godfrey O'Domhnaill, were slain by O'Dochartaigh's
2] people.
Domhnall O'Dochartaigh,
10] chieftain of Ard-Midhair, a man eminent for bounty,
11] prowess, charity, and humanity, died in his own house
12] in hoc anno, and John O'Dochartaigh assumed his place
13] after him.
Niall O'Domhnaill was deposed by Aengus
10] O'Domhnaill, and by Domhnall Dubh O'Baighill, and
11] by O'Dochartaigh, and by the power of Aedh Remhar
12] O'Neill, and by the Clann-Suibhne; and Aengus was made
13] king by them all. Niall went again into the country;
14] and the Clann-Muirchertaigh were expelled out of the
15] Breifne by Ualgharg O'Ruairc, Toirdhelbhach O'Conchobhair,
16] and Tadhg Mac Raghnaill; and they went
17] into Tir-Aedha, and Aengus O'Domhnaill gave them
18] Tir-Aedha, both grass and corn, and with all its other
19] benefits. And a battle was afterwards fought by Aengus
20] O'Domhnaill and the Clann-Muirchertaigh against Niall
21] O'Domhnaill, when Niall was defeated by them; on
22] which occasion Andiles O'Baighill, i.e. the chieftain of Tir-Ainmirech,
23] and his son, and Eoghan, the son of Art
24] O'Domhnaill, et alii multi, were slain.
A great defeat was given by Cathal Og O'Conchobhair to the Cenel-Conaill, near Bel-Atha-Senaigh, and John O'Dochartaigh, chieftain of Ard-Midhair, and Eoghan Connachtach, and Toirdhelbhach Mac Suibhne, were moreover taken prisoners there; and a great slaughter was committed there. Matthew Mac Samhradhain, heir to the chieftancy of Tellach-Echach, was wounded that day, and died at home of that wound.
Domhnall Og O'Dochartaigh died in hoc anno.
LC1398.2 A great war broke out between O'Neill, i.e. Niall Og, and O'Domhnaill, i.e. Toirdhelbhach; and his chieftains and his tribe abandoned O'Domhnaill, so that he was reduced to great straits by the sons of Henry O'Neill, by the sons of John O'Domhnaill, by O'Dochartaigh, and by the Clann-Suibhne. O'Domhnaill's son, (Niall Garbh), and the sons of Domhnall, son of Niall O'Domhnaill, went upon an excursion into Fanat, when John, the son of Maelmuire Mac Suibhne, was captured by them, and they committed a depredation.
LC1413.1 Conchobhar O'Dochartaigh, i.e. chieftain of Ard-Midhair, and lord of Inis-Eoghain, and a man of universal bounty, died this year.
LC1511.3 A hosting by O'Neill i.e. Art, son of Aedh, into Tir-Conaill, on which occasion he burned Glenn-fhinne, and from Suiligh hitherwards; and he exacted hostages from O'Dochartaigh.
LC1516.5 O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Conchobhar Carragh O'Dochartaigh, mortuus est.
LC1526.15 O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Echmarcach, lord of Inis-Eoghain, died in the end of his age in hoc anno and a great war occurred amongst his sept regarding the sovereignty of the country; and Gerald, son of Domhnall, son of Felim O'Dochartaigh, was made lord.
LC1530.1 Caitilín, daughter of Murchadh Mac Suibhne, wife of O'Dochartaigh mortua est.
LC1530.2 Rose, daughter of O'Catháin, wife of Felim O'Dochartaigh, died in hoc anno.
LC1530.12 Rudhraidhe, son of Eoghan, son of Aedh Balbh, son of John O'Dochartaigh, a great loss in his own country, mortuus est.
LC1531.5 The son of O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Niall, son of Conchobhar Carragh, mortuus est.
LC1537.17 The son of O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Niall Caech, the son of Gerald, son of Domhnall, son of Felim, was killed in a nocturnal conflict by Rudhraidhe, the son of Fellim O'Dochartaigh, in Baile-na-gCananach, in the termon of Doire; and they say that it was not well done.
LC1540.11 O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Gerald, the son of Domhnall, son of Felim, a man of nobleness, hospitality, and graceful figure, died this year, after spending his natural age up to that time in doing acts of good and humanity.
LC1543.10 The son of O'Dochartaigh, i.e. Cathair, the son of Gerald, son of Domhnall, son of Felim, was slain by the sons of O'Dochartaigh, viz., Rudhraidhe and John, the sons of Felim, son of Conchobhar Carragh; and the son of Aedh Gruama O'Dochartaigh was killed by the same sons of O'Dochartaigh.
LC1588.16 O'Dochartaigh and O'Gallchubhair were apprehended by the Justiciary, and taken to Ath-cliath.
LC1588.25 The hosting of all Erinn, except the province of Ulster alone, went to Connacht with Sir William Fitz William, i.e., the Justiciary of Erinn; and he effected not a particle of good, but injured all that was from Ath-Luain to Erne; and the son of O'Dochartaigh, i.e., Cathair, was killed by Saxons.